Job Searching Tips

Are you unemployed and looking for work? Are you applying to hundreds of jobs online, losing motivation and confidence because you are not hearing any feedback, and when you do follow up, you are being told that you are just one of 200+ people who have applied for the job?

Instead of limiting your approach to applying for jobs online, I would like to share with you a few extra tips that I give my candidates when they’re seeking employment. I need to warn you in advance that securing your next position may not happen overnight and will likely take dedicated focus and hard work on your behalf, but it will be worth it. Until you find a new job, the job role of being your own “Career Coach” is your new full time job.



Invest in some career coaching to increase your confidence and your chances of being successful. e.g. Peter Black at Career Lifestyle is a Career Coaching expert –


Enrol in a course to learn a new industry or develop on your existing skills. eg. A Short Medical Receptionist Course –


Invest significant time updating your resume and your LinkedIn profile. To do this properly should take several days (not just 30 minutes!) and will include gaining lots of feedback from people whose opinion you respect. A recruiter will, on average, spend about 10 seconds scanning a resume before they either decide to reject it, or look at it in further detail. You must catch their attention immediately! Research the internet for advice on putting together a winning resume eg. – Resume Writing – Basics


On LinkedIn, make sure you are connected to as many relevant work contacts as possible. Also, request recommendations from your connections for your LinkedIn profile, including previous managers and co-workers. This will add depth to your profile.


Sign up for temping work while looking for your perfect permanent role. I have seen many success stories where someone has accepted a short term temping assignment that results in a wonderful new permanent career path for them.


If you already know the industry and the types of companies you want to work for, write a list of the companies, research their website and LinkedIn page and see if they have any relevant active jobs listed. If they do, approach them directly. If they don’t have any relevant jobs listed, perhaps one of the people in your network is able to introduce you to them.


If you have had a bad experience in your previous role or you are unsure of the path you want to take next, perhaps it’s time to take a break and recharge your batteries prior to jumping straight into a new position. For example, at a retreat (e.g. Atsumiin Thailand is a personal favourite, or you could go for a more local option like Holistic Yoga Retreat)


Read relevant articles and books: e.g. a popular career advice book: “What colour is your parachute?


Re-connect with people you have worked with in the past – at least 80% of jobs are not even advertised, referred to as “The Hidden Job Market” (according to an article in CBB Money, 2009)


Attend networking and industry events relevant to your career – e.g. Sunshine Coast Business Women’s Network, Sunshine Coast Local Medical Association, Women in Finance, FINSIA Young Finance Professionals, or your local Chamber of Commerce events.


And, my personal favourite is to volunteer some time for a worthwhile charity! (To easily find out about volunteering events in your area, register online at (

Using some of these tips and connecting with your network, will enable you to gain momentum of activity that will help you on so many levels including gaining new skills, improving your self-confidence, making new connections and ultimately gaining new employment!

So, invest some time in yourself, take action with purpose and set yourself up to be the best version of yourself so you can find a satisfying new job where you can shine!

Good luck!

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